on the Curl Web Content Markup Language

on the Curl Web Content Markup and Programming Language from www.curl.com and www.curlap.com

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Curl Starter Kit

I was surprised to find the old Curl 5.0 Starter Kit (CSK) over at curlap.com under developers.curlap.com

The 50MB download had been used extensively by at least one Curl client for commercial applications.

Until there is a more adequate replacement for developers.curl.com this is at least one resource for beginners.

While out-dated, it does contain some working Curl at an easily accessible level.

The first hitch will be that the programmer must set the unzip target folder to being a trusted folder in the Curl Control Panel - which must be running - by clicking on "Add Privleged Directory" and pasting the path or browsing to the folder.

N.B.  To avoid a fatal error, be sure your target install directory exists before starting the Dcurl desktop application which is used for the install.  When install completes, there is no copy option on the pop-up menu - and print TO FILE will cause a fatal lock-up.  No matter - the release notes are in the top folder.

Here is the important bit: Charts has evolved a long ways since this was last touched in 2006.  This is the key bit from the release notes:
A migration directory is included with this release that illustrates how GUI charts do what CSK charts did, and how GUI charts can be extended to accomplish things the CSK charts could not easily do - see the EXAMPLES OF GUI CHARTS DOING WHAT CSK CHARTS DID AND MORE in migration/GuiChartsVsCSKCharts.txt. There is also a document describing how to structure your data as you migrate away from the CSK charts toward the GUI charts - see the NOTES ON PREPARING TO USE THE NEW GUI CHARTS in migration/GuiChartsVsCSKCharts.txt
On the face of it I see no reason to perform the install (even the installer files will be "installed".)  Regardless, you will want to go to CurlInc\CSK5.0\docs-install\CSK
from your Curl Documentation Viewer so as to add the CSK docs: just select that manifest file.

N.B. You will only see those when you have an old Curl 5.0 version applet in development - so you may have to create one using something like {curl 5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0 applet} as your herald.

The latest Curl demos can be founded by following links at developers.curlap.com