on the Curl Web Content Markup Language

on the Curl Web Content Markup and Programming Language from www.curl.com and www.curlap.com

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Curl for northerly star charts

I have added chart data files such as hygxyz_northofminus40_ucs.csv through hygxyz_northofminus10_ucs.csv and a hygxyz_north_only_ucs.csv at URL's such as


for which the row counts vary from  93,132 down to 58,767 CVS data rows with the top 2 rows the usual info-only. The files are comma-separated fields of variable length encoded as utf-8.

Curl for star charts

As prep for building MIT/SCSK Curl 2-D path star charts, I have stripped the hygxyz.cvs file to 100K rows for the stars North of -50 Dec.  Please excuse my northern hemisphere bias.

I have made these CVS HipparcosYale+ files avail at  http://www.aule-browser.com/astro/stars/hygxyz_northofminus50.csv with alternates in three parts as hygxyz_PART_1_northofSouth50.csv and hygxyz_PART_2_northofSouth50.csv etc.

For UTF-8 versions of any of these files, add _ucs before the .cvs extension.

Please let me know if you see issues.

The regex used to drop rows was:


The CVS header is


 A listing is given by the HYG author David Nash at https://github.com/astronexus/HYG-Databaseand he has a web page at http://www.astronexus.com/hyg

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Smalltalk, SVG and Curl : starmaps

Coming from Smalltalk, the more time I spend in the XML of SVG work by others, the more I respect the achievement of the MIT team in the Curl language 2-D library of graphics classes.

Star maps or charts make so much more sense in Curl. We have the RA and Dec for the stars we need to map for star-hopping amateur astronomers.  We could even add "paths" !

It reminds me of the foolish basis on which Windows NT graphics appeared preferable to what IBM OS/2 had from mainframe world. Or rejecting the IBM SOM/DSOM ( for which we still pay a price in Win 7 and no doubt will still see the effects in Win 10 limitations.)

The Mac world embraced Smalltalk in a small way ... but why not Curl ?

The history and sociology of computing tech will eventually be of interest in applied science studies because the choices have not been in terms which pure science would commend to us.

#SVG #Curl #path #stroke #graphics #vector