Curl neophytes are sometimes confused by the use of {value } macros in the examples in the Curl doc's.
I have placed an alternative example style below.
Curl at the top-level is rather like minimalist HTML: if you place a value in a page then the value gets displayed.
But usually a Curl applet is not a {value } expression at the top-level in a .curl file and this adds to unfamiliarity.
The example does include one use of a {value } expression - the macro is used in a {paragraph } text‑proc.
{value } is used in the live code doc's because we are passing our example value into a macro such as {example }.
In my variant example, a {do } expression is used with a top-level global public var instead. The macro {value } is used in {paragraph } as it might be used in a typical applet.
My revision:
The Curl docs on String Files for the scheme curl://some‑text‑resource has a live code {example } using {string-url }
Here is a variant of that example which uses the Curl macro {with-open-streams do }
The example is not wrapped in a {value } macro as neophytes find this confusing and it is not required for this example at the 'price' of a public global var in the example code. The text‑proc paragraph preserves our whitespace for our lines as read.
|| Note: we do not need to {set } myinput in this variant of the example.
{def result:StringBuf = {StringBuf}}
|| create a string to be read as a stream
def mystring:String = "This is some string data I want to read as a stream \nin order to test a macro"
|| Construct a Url under the curl://string directory, using the
|| string we want to read as the filename.
def myurl:Url = {string-url mystring}
|| Now, read from it as if it were a normal file.
let myinput:#TextInputStream
{with-open-streams myinput = {read-open myurl} do
{until myinput.end-of-stream? do
{result.concat {}}}
{paragraph text-preserve-whitespace?=true, {value result}}
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