on the Curl Web Content Markup Language

on the Curl Web Content Markup and Programming Language from www.curl.com and www.curlap.com

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tuttle Kanji Flashcard app

At http://www.aule-browser.com/kanji/tuttle-henshall-kanji.html there is now a Curl applet for the Tuttle kanji cards ( I am still on the red flashcard set ! )

I used this card as a reminder of the Bayware "Power" Kanji software for Windows 95 later marketed by Transparent Language as Kanji Power2 or some such.  That software had some real strengths in its visual interactive approach to syntax and post-position particles for Who-Where-When-verb basics and modifier-before-modified.

The strength of the Tuttle cards is that each flashcard includes four 2-Kanji combinations with the Kanji of that card.  At my age, my quarrel is with the small font for these - also an issue with the O'Neill paperback.

Font-size is even an issue in Firefox with the Perapera plugin as using CTRL-+ for the browser window content causes the plugin's popups to explode in size.

The Curl* applet illustrated above includes the UNICODE value and the Henshall number.

Request a variant, and I can produce it in about an hour (skip-code, Nelson etc) so long as the information is in the Kanjidic2 XML file.

I will post a download link for the CSV file for the Tuttle flash card set for anyone using Excel or the like.  Now to go look on-line for the "green" set ...

* Curl requires the Curl browser plugin from curl.com or curlap.com (in Japanese.) Curl is in version 8.0 and is very secure and my preferred alternative to Java as both language and browser plugin.  I will add desktop versions today or soon.

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