Notes on the Curl web programming language and Curl markup using the Curl Surge Runtime Engine (RTE), the expression-based Curl language and Curl's macro facilities and class libraries
on the Curl Web Content Markup and Programming Language from and
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Curl applet with suitable free font for kanji strokes
IPA Mincho font with ClearType and DirectWrite
in IE 11 on Win7 - a good result on an old multisync CRT at low rez in
default screen view of my Curl applet at 5.0em —
but perhaps only apparent if you Click the image below to see the full PNG #kanji#fonts
My font declaration in the Curl code for my cjk-font-family variable is
ReplyDelete{def cjk-font-family = "IPAMincho, HanaMinA, Meiryo, SimSun, MS Mincho, MS Gothic, Osaka, Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro, Hiragino Mincho Pro, Kochi Mincho, Liberation Sans, sans-serif"}
and I suppose I should add Unifont back in ...